Steel Piers
Steel piers are our most popular method of foundation repair. Using steel piers to repair your foundation eliminates the need for further repair. Steel piers offer a permanent foundation repair solution as well as provide the best structural strength of any repair method. Steel piers are more expensive than concrete piers but can be a lot more cost effective in the long run due to the fact that you will not need any further repairs by having steel piers installed. Steel piers are driven into the ground hydraulically into load bearing bedrock. Steel piers can be pushed up to 100 feet in some areas and can bear a higher load than any other foundation repair method.
Benefits of Steel-Pressed Pilings
Steel piers can be driven to bedrock
Steel piers are the most permanent foundation repair method
Steel piers are recommended by structural engineers
Steel piers are the most cost effective foundation repair method
Steel piers are minimally invasive
Steel piers withstand moisture and erosion
Steel piers give you peace of mind

Concrete Piers
Concrete piers are the most economic foundation repair method. Concrete piers are installed the same way that steel piers are installed; directly under the grade beam. Concrete piers are pressed to what we call “point of refusal”, whereas steel piers are pressed into bedrock. Concrete piers are adjustable by almost every company in the industry.
Benefits of Concrete-Pressed Pilings
Concrete piers are an inexpensive foundation repair method
Concrete piers are quick and easy to install
Concrete piers are durable and long lasting
Concrete piers have a high load capacity
Concrete piers withstand moisture and erosion
Signs of Foundation Problems
There are several indicators that your home may be experiencing foundation problems and is in need of repair. If you’re noticing any of the problems below, contact our foundation repair experts for a free, no-obligation estimate for repair.
Doors and windows not opening properly
Doors and windows warp over time due to moisture and can be annoying to live with until they are replaced. However, if you have a door that is extremely difficult to open or latch, swings open after you’ve shut it, or you have windows that have gaps at the top or bottom and also feel like they will never open again, this is a sign that you may have settling or sinking issues beneath your home. You may also notice hairline fissures in the walls.Interior and exterior cracks
Interior and exterior cracks could be a sign of minor settling, but it could also be a sign of foundation problems. If you notice large, zig-zagging cracks anywhere on your interior sheetrock, especially where the wall and ceiling meet, or on the exterior walls or brick of your home, they will only get worse over time and lead to more expensive foundation repair.Uneven flooring
Have you ever stepped inside a home or commercial building and felt like you were walking on a decline or incline in certain areas of the property? This is caused by settling and shifting of the foundation under the floors. If you have a concrete slab floor, you will notice long cracks that many times span the width of the floor.Cracks in tile
To piggyback off the previous warning sign on this list, an abundance of cracks in any tile you have in the bathroom, kitchen, etc. are also telltale signs of foundation problems, especially if the tile has been replaced in recent years and would have no reason to be brittle or defective.Rotten wood
Rotten wood is never a good sign, and it could mean anything from leaks, termites, excess humidity in the home or business, and yes, even foundation problems.